Dear Parents,
Spring will be here shortly and our school calendar will fill up with many traditional events and activities. One of our traditions, the Father Daughter Dance was very successful and a great way for fathers to spend quality time with their daughters. Our pancake breakfast was a first and well attended by families from our school and parish. The athletic booster parent team did a great job and all proceeds go to supporting our athletic program.
Family Fund Raiser
A special thanks for all families who supported the fund raiser for the Lucero family. The dinner was great and was a success. Our prayers are for the Lucero family and we hope they receive the medical attention they need for their son.
Volunteers at Work
You may have noticed that the parking lot fence has been fixed by Mr. Cortez. All materials and labor donated another blessing for our school.
2015-2016 Pre-K Programs
The pre-k program for next year will be more flexible to meet the individual needs of our families. We will be offering full time or half time care for our students. They can attend the morning session from 8:00 to 11:00 or the afternoon session from 12:00 to 3:00. The age group has been extended to accept three and four year old students. I hope this change will better meet the needs of our families. Please call the school office for more information.
Catholic Foundation
Your student will be bringing home a permission slip which will allow them to be in a video that is going to be developed about San Felipe de Neri School. The video being produced will be on the Catholic School Foundation website this fall. We have been selected because our historical significance and the Foundations Grant that was awarded to our pre-school program.
Students will be participating in our annual ITBS testing during the month of April. All catholic schools participate in this test. The information is used for our staff to evaluate student progress.
Faith Challenge Bowl
Practice has started for the annual Faith Challenge Bowl. Please contact Mrs. Parker if you have any questions. The competition will take place at St. Pius between 9:00 to 12:00, April 24, 2015.
Step Up Day
All students will be visiting their next year's teacher on March 6th our half day. We will also have some new students visiting that day as they transition into our school for next year.
Consultative Council
Our March meeting concluded with the finalization of the bylaws and working committees (executive, marketing, planning and development, alumni). We are currently in need of one more member for the council. If you are interested please call the school office.
Paul B. Dexel
God Bless All Our Families