Dear San Felipe de Neri Families,
Lenten Journey
We have nearly completed our Lenten journey for 2012! Children are talking about their continuing efforts to keep their promises of giving something up. No chocolate, coke, desserts, helping my grandmother, and other things. Hopefully our small sacrifices will enable us to make the world a better place with kindness and peaceful conversations that reflect the acceptance of our diverse world.
Art Show
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Catholic Middle School community will be highlighting their student’s artistic art work at St. Pius High School, Sunday, March 25, at St. Cecelia’s Hall from 2-5 pm. Our art teacher, Ms. Maria Anaya Rutkowsky has chosen and framed the following student’s fine work: 6th Grade-Daniella Montanez, Naseem Madini; 7th grade-Alec Dean Aragon, Jaquelynn Chavez; 8th Grade-Emilio Arellano, Elena Heiss. Enjoy their fine presentations! Thanks Mrs. Rutkowsky!
Luncheon Menus
I thought it was important to assure all families that there is no “slime” or other additives in any of our luncheon menus. We do not purchase our food from the USDA sources at this time. In order to be good stewards of the cost of our luncheon program only one item will be offered as an entree during the months of April and May. The full salad bar will continue all year.
Holy Week
Mass is at 9 am on Tuesday, April 3. Our Hunger service project is at St. Pius on Wednesday from 8:30- 11:30 am. Holy Thursday is our final gathering prior to Easter for the Washing of the Feet with Father Garcia. One child from each class will represent their age level. This will be held at 10 am, followed by lunch and then an early dismissal at 12:55 am. Happy Easter everyone!!
Easter Family Luncheon
April 13 is our spring Easter family luncheon in our gym. Please reserve and pay for your tickets by April 3 so that we can order enough food for everyone. It is always a pleasure to see everyone enjoy lunch with their children.
Golf Tournament
We still have openings for teams and two single players for Annual Golf Tournament. Come out and join the fun!
San Felipe School Uniform Survey
I recently met with our uniform provider. I expressed some of our concerns and the tabulated data from our recent survey. He shared with me that some previous employees have been asked to leave the company. “Dickies” materials will no longer be used in our uniforms for next year. The poor quality and fading issues were a concern with some families. Next year all clothing can be exchanged at the store and will not need to be sent off somewhere if there are any problems. Our uniforms will be made from the A+ clothing manufacturer. Our vendor pledges to improve his customer relationships with us. Hopefully next year the entire process will prove to be more manageable than this year. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire. We can always improve if we know where the problems originate.
I am grateful for all the blessings that have come to our school community. We thank our donor for our wonderful shady porch for our portable building. Under the construction leadership of Mr. Heiss, one of our 8th grade fathers and his co-workers, the added protection is a grand gift to our children and staff.